Friday, April 12, 2013

Searching for His Soul?


Glenn Greenwald points out lies of the Obama Administration about its drone aircraft killing program, concluding: "...huge numbers of people walk around in some sort of zombie-like state repeatedly spouting the mantra that 'Drones are Good because We are Killing the Terrorists' -- even though the CIA itself, let alone citizens defending its killings, have no clue who is even being targeted."

But some of the lies are so far out that even administration officials have to admit it.  One this morning, obviously fabricated to bolster support for an attack on Korea, came from Republican Representative Doug Lamborn, who quoted the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) as saying it had concluded with "moderate confidence" that North Korea had developed a nuclear bomb that could be fitted on a ballistic missile.  Even the Pentagon's spokesman and the U.S. national intelligence director said it was "inaccurate" to infer Pyongyang had the proven ability to launch a nuclear missile, and so did a spokesman for the South Korea government.

The DIA led many to believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD), supporting the illegal invasion of Iraq even as LUV News was reporting there were no WMD, citing and running articles from the world's foremost experts on Iraq's weapons systems, clearly available to the DIA and Bush Administration, which is why we say they should clearly face charges for war crimes.----@[100000566061019:2048:Jack Revolutionist]

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