Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

November 21, 2010

(Woody confesses, N.B: Images here may not have appeared on the date in the hed of this post. I have no "right" other than that generally called "fair use" to display these images. In the interest of freedom of information and discussion, I plead for the forbearance of those whose work I am in effect pirating. Yarrrr!~)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Novermber 17, 2010: Tom Tomorrow's "This Modern World"

("Dying is easy, said Ed Wynn on his deathbed; "comedy is hard.")

November 17, 2010

(Woody confesses, N.B: Images here may not have appeared on the date in the hed of this post. I have no "right" other than that generally called "fair use" to display these images. In the interest of freedom of information and discussion, I plead for the forbearance of those whose work I am in effect pirating. Yarrrr!~)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9, 2010 -- This Modern World

Why The Democrats Lost

November 9, 2010

(Woody confesses, N.B: Images here may not have appeared on the date in the hed of this post. I have no "right" other than that generally called "fair use" to display these images. In the interest of freedom of information and discussion, I plead for the forbearance of those whose work I am in effect pirating. Yarrrr!~)

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8, 2010

(Woody confesses, N.B: Images here may not have appeared on the date in the hed of this post. I have no "right" other than that generally called "fair use" to display these images. In the interest of freedom of information and discussion, I plead for the forbearance of those whose work I am in effect pirating. Yarrrr!~)